Q: Are you associated with The Band? 
A: No. I am not paid by anyone from The Band or any affiliated stakeholder to create this show. I do it for the love and passion I have for The Band. However, The Band and their social media accounts do promote the show from time to time. Thanks, guys!
Q: Can I support the show? 
A: Yes.  You can join our Patreon here. There are multiple ways to support the show. You can directly donate here. Any donation goes a long way in creating this show!

Q: How long does it take to make an episode?
A: It typically takes a month to research, record and edit the podcast. A lot of work, time and care go into creating each episode. 
Q: Where do you find your information?
A: I have a set of texts that I refer to too often; I call these my primary sources. I look through archives online for my secondary sources. Anything from articles to reviews. Additionally, sometimes I go directly to a source to ask a question.
Q: Do you ever get anything wrong? 
A: Yes. There are plenty of things I do get incorrect. I try my hardest to make sure I am being accurate and have all the correct information. However, this is a hobby, not a full-time job. I am also not a professional historian, I get things wrong. 
Q: Who is this show made for? 
A: It's made for new fans! When I set out to create The Band: A History, it was made for my friends who wanted to know about The Band. There isn't a lot out there that is consolidated. It's also for casual fans or fans that want to know more about their favourite member, album or time in history. Hardcore fans probably won't get as much out of the show. 

Q: Where can I listen to the show? 
A: Anywhere you can find podcasts. Your favourite podcast platform has the show. If you'd like to see a list, you can find it here.
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